Cakung Police Chief, Kompol Panji Ali Candra explained, the cause of widespread brawls between students in the Cakung area was due to many social factors.
"In my opinion, many factors (of brawls occurred in Cakung), not only in terms of economic factors. However, there is also an influence in terms of association, identity and family factors due to a lack of supervision," said Kompol Panji to VOI, Friday, December 22.
Kompol Panji said, in dealing with problems of teenage brawls, all parties must work together. The problem of brawls must be resolved together.
"Everyone must be responsible, synergize from family, school, local community to person (person's personality) and don't get along with the wrong people," he said.
Meanwhile, based on the investigation by the Cakung Police after digging up information from the perpetrators of the brawl, continued Kompol Panji, the perpetrators participated in the brawl because they were in the wrong environment.
"If I ask from several people, on average they are wrong from hanging out, hanging out with friends," he said.
Previously, it was reported that a student with the initials BS (19) who was involved in a brawl was found dead with a number of wounds all over his body as a result of being stabbed by a group against a brawl in the Pulogadung Industrial Estate, Rawa Crab, Cakung District, East Jakarta.
A teenager from Rawa Lotus, Cakung District, died in the hands of three perpetrators with the initials MR, R and T. The victim BS died after his yellow sickle was seized by the perpetrator and stabbed into BS's body.
After the incident, one perpetrator with the initials MR (19) was arrested by the Cakung Police Criminal Investigation Unit in the Sawangan area, Depok. Meanwhile, suspects R and T are still being sought by the police.
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