One Student DIEd By A Sickle During A Brawl In The Pulogadung Industrial Estate
Cakung Police Chief, Commissioner Panji Ali Candra/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA - A student who was involved in a brawl was found dead with a number of injuries to his body due to a stab at a sharp weapon of the type of sickle by an opposing group, in the Pulogadung Industrial Estate, Rawa Crab, Cakung, East Jakarta.

The victim, a resident of Rawa Lotus, Cakung, with the initials BS (19), died in the hands of three perpetrators with the initials MR, R and T. The victim BS died after his yellow sickle was seized by the perpetrator and stabbed into BS's body.

After the incident, one perpetrator with the initials MR (19) was arrested by the Cakung Police Criminal Investigation Unit in the Sawangan area, Depok. Meanwhile, suspects R and T are still being sought by the police.

Cakung Police Chief, Kompol Panji Ali Candra said the death toll came from the Cairo group or Padurenan Children. The victim died because his vessel was cut off by a sharp weapon stab.

The deadly brawl began when the perpetrator MR and two of his colleagues with the initials U and G gathered and were approached by another colleague with the initials J to invite a brawl. They joined the RPZ group against the Cairo group.

MR and his partner accepted the invitation and immediately met the opposing group at the scene and then the brawl took place.

"The victim BS helped his colleague who fell during the brawl, but after his colleague woke up, BS fell as a result of being hit by a group of opponents with the initials P and R, then there was a stabbing on the victim's leg," he told reporters, Friday, December 22.

Knowing that the victim was covered in blood, the perpetrator immediately fled. Meanwhile, the police who received the report immediately came to the location and saw the victim lying on the road.

"When he was taken to the RSUP, apparently the victim died," he said.

As a result of the perpetrator's actions, MR was charged with Article 170 (3) of the Criminal Code and/or Article 351 (3) of the Criminal Code with a maximum sentence of 12 years in prison.

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