JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate number 2 Prabowo Subianto received support from the Indonesian Chinese Alliance to become president. Prabowo emphasized that Indonesia needs unity and harmony to become a great country.

Prabowo expressed his gratitude for the support of the Indonesian Chinese Alliance for him as a presidential candidate, and Gibran Rakabuming Raka as a vice presidential candidate. Prabowo said that he was heartened to receive support from all elements of the Indonesian nation.

"I emphasize that we need unity, harmony, good thinking, positive thinking, Indonesia is in a situation that allows us to jump into a great country," Prabowo said in Mangga Dua, North Jakarta, Tuesday, December 19, evening.

In that declaration, Prabowo admitted that he always tried to maintain the view that was considered true. He hopes that this principle can be a good lesson for the people.

"If there are other people who have other views, we still have to stick to what we think is right and what we consider a principle," he said.

The general chairman of the Gerindra Party also invited all Indonesian people to be smart in respecting the nation's leaders. Therefore, Prabowo said, he and Gibran wanted to continue the achievements and programs that had been built by the predecessors.

"Let us recognize the success of our own nation, do not always look for negative things, think well, be positive, Indonesia is in a situation that allows us to rise to become a great country," he said.

"Indicators show we are in a good position, all indicators we have, growth in the midst of a crisis, our growth is one of the highest. Our inflation may never be as low as we are today," continued the Minister of Defense.

Prabowo then mentioned the challenges the world is facing. Such as war in Ukraine, the war in Gaza Palestine, Libia, Syria and several other countries that affect national geopoliticals.

"That's why we have to learn from this condition and it turns out that the key is harmony, the key is whether we can or not maintain harmony between us, among all ethnic groups, between all political parties," said Prabowo.

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