JAKARTA - The head of the inactive Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Firli Bahur, is said to have received Rp3.8 billion in cash related to the handling of legal problems at the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) for the period 2020 to 2023. The money was handed over four times from five meetings.

"What is clear is that there were at least 5 meetings and it is suspected that 4 times the money was handed over," said Director of Special Criminal Investigation at the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak, to reporters, Tuesday, December 19.

However, Ade did not specify the time and the party who handed over the money to Firli Bahuri.

However, based on the legal facts revealed in the pretrial trial, Firli Bahuri did receive four times of money. The amount is IDR 3.8 billion.

The first money that Firli Bahuri received was related to securing legal problems, namely Rp800 million.

The handover began when the inactive KPK chairman contacted Anom Wibowo, a member of the police who currently holds the rank of Brigadier General and serves as Director of Investigation and Settlement of Dispute of the Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DJKI) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, in February 2021.

"The applicant contacted Anom Wibowo's brother to convey a message to Irwan Anwar to contact him," said one member of the Bidkum Polda Metro Jaya team reading out the legal facts in the trial.

Then, Irwan Anwar, who now serves as the Semarang Police Chief, received the news, immediately contacted Firli Bahuri.

Irwan Anwar and Firli do have closeness. Because, while serving at the NTB Police as Director of General Crimes, Firli Bahuri was the leader or Kapolda.

The contents of the conversation between the two regarding the inactive KPK chairman asked Irwan Anwar to accompany Syahrul Yasin Limpo who would face him.

Until finally, the meeting was realized at the safe house which is located at Jalan Kertanegara number 46, South Jakarta, on February 12, 2021. It was at that moment that IDR 800 million was handed over.

"(Meeting) Between Syahrul Yasin Limpo, Irwan Anwar's brother, and the applicant there was a transaction of 800 million rupiah in foreign currency," he said.

The second handover occurred in one of the houses in the Police Science College or STIK - PTIK area, around June 6, 2021 or June 13, 2021.

Kombes Irwan Anwar who handed over the money to Firli Bahuri. The amount reached Rp1 billion.

The origin of the money belongs to the inactive Director of Agricultural Equipment and Machinery (Alsintan) of the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan), Muhammad Hatta.

This is because Kombes Irwan Anwar first met with Muhammad Hatta at his residence. At that time, he was entrusted with the money.

The Rp1 billion money that was handed over by Muhammad Hatta to Kombes Irwan Irawan was in foreign currency. The money is stored in a white envelope that is put into the red folder.

After receiving the money, Kombes Irwan Anwar met with Firli Bahuri and handed over the money.

"On the same day there was a meeting between Irwan Anwar's brother and the applicant at one of the houses located next to the PTIK tennis court in South Jakarta," he said.

"At that time, brother Irwan Anwar handed over a bag containing money to the applicant," he continued.

Not only that, Firli also received money related to the handling of legal problems at the Ministry of Agriculture for the period 2020 to 2023.

This time, from Syahrul Yasin Limpo. The receipt of the money took place when the two met at the Tank Sports Center (GOR), West Jakarta, around March 2022. During the meeting there was a handover of money worth Rp. 1 billion.

"That on March 2, 2022, a meeting took place between SYL and the applicant at the Tank GOR in Taman Sari, West Jakarta," he said.

However, the handover of the money was not directly from Syahrul Yasin Limpo or SYL, then Minister of Agriculture, to Firli Bahuri.

Instead, the handover was through Panji Harjanto who was SYL's aide to Hendra Yoshua Daluwu as Firli Bahuri's Security and Guards (Pamwal) officer.

The nominal amount of money handed over reached Rp1 billion in foreign currency denominations. The money is in a small black bag.

"During the meeting, Panji Harjanto handed over a black handbag containing 1 billion rupiah in foreign currency denominations to sudra Hendra Yoshua Daluwu as the chairman of the Indonesian KPK," he said.

From the legal facts presented, Firli Bahuri again received Rp1 billion from Kombes Irwan Anwar. The handover of money took place at the house of the inactive KPK chairman who was at Perum Gardenia Villa Galaxy A2 Number 60 Bekasi City.

At that time, Kombes Irwan Anwar came to the house of the inactive KPK chairman in May 2022. That's when there was a handover of Rp1 billion

However, it was not stated in detail whether the money was also related to the handling of legal problems at the Ministry of Agriculture.

"During the meeting, brother Irwan Anwar handed over a hand bag containing Rp1 billion to the applicant (Firli Bahuri)," he said.

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