YOGYAKARTA - The Prabowo-Gibran camp recommends that the presidential and vice presidential candidates debate can use the concept of the Town Hall Meeting. So, what is a town hall meeting?

The more advanced a company will be, the more difficult it will be for employees to have the opportunity to communicate with the company's high-ranking officials. Because of this, a town hall meeting is needed in order to maintain good communication between employees and high-ranking officials in a company.

The meeting was generally used as an opportunity to discuss various important things. For example, discussing the achievements that have been obtained to important matters that can help the success of its employees. To find out more about what town hall is and how the method is to implement it, let's follow the full description below.

In simple terms, town hall meetings are a meeting held to inform the latest data regularly in a company. Usually, at the meeting, the company will re-learn its vision and mission to all employees who attend. The meeting is also often called all-hands and all-staff meetings.

In town hall meetings, all members in the company must attend without exception. Starting from the manager to the company CEO. This is done with the aim of bringing together the holders of positions, meaning that they should interact with other company employees.

The town hall meeting is usually used as a notification event for matters related to the achievements of each manager and reaffirms the vision and mission of the company itself. Managers have generally prepared reports related to the achievement based on measurements using certain procedures.

Prabowo's Proposal To Become A Format For The Debate Of Presidential Candidates

The success team of Prabowo and Gibran proposed that the presidential and vice-presidential candidates debate use the concept of a Town Hall Meeting. Town Hall Meeting is indeed different from debate in general, because spectators who attend can ask questions to each candidate.

Not only that, this debate format can also show the readiness of the candidates regarding the ideas proposed. Previously, it was known that this proposal was submitted by the Deputy Head of Gerindra Rahayu Saraswati Djojohadikusumo on Friday (15/12/2023).

"Actually, there is a lot of input that expects the format of the debate to change, not the format of the debate in which the 3 candidate pairs stand. What's more, please understand by friends out there, yesterday it wasn't in the building. Yesterday it was even an outdoor that was very hot with spotlight, there was no AC at all," Sara told reporters, Friday, as reported by Antara.

Responding to this matter, the Ganjar-Mahfud and Anies-Muhaimin camps are also ready to explore debates in any format.

"If what model is there, I just go along, town hall model, okay, ordinary stage model, okay. The important thing is that it's not the place for me, the debate is like that (ask questions and answers)," said Ganjar on Sunday.

In line with that, the captain of the AMIN National Team, M Syaugi Alaydrus, admitted that he had no problem with the debate format that would be decided by the KPU.

"As long as it is agreed by 3 candidate pairs I think there will be no problems," he said, Saturday.

Preparations for the vice presidential debate

On Monday (18/12/2023), the KPU was holding a coordination meeting for the vice presidential candidate (cawapres). This meeting was a follow-up to the evaluation on December 14.

KPU commissioner August Mellaz said that this meeting was a continuation of the coordination meeting for the evaluation of the inaugural debate for the 2024 presidential election last week. They will agree on various technical issues for the second debate.

"Today we held a meeting part of the finalization [second debate], that kind of thing," August opened the meeting.

He stated that he would announce some technical details of the debate after the meeting. Later the vice presidential debate will be held at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) on Friday, December 22, 2023.

There is also a debate theme that will be presented by the KPU for vice presidential candidates, namely the people's economy, the digital economy, finance, tax investment, trade, APBN/APBD management, infrastructure, and urban areas.

Selain itu diketahui 'Prabu Revolutionary Move Haluan ke Kubu Prabowo-Gibran'.

So after knowing what a town hall meeting is, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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