JAKARTA - The Pariaman City Police, West Sumatra, arrested a young man from Sungai Limau District, Padang Pariaman District, with the initials RA (26).
RA was arrested for spreading immoral videos and photos of himself and his ex-girlfriend with the initials EJ (23). RA spread this video because his proposal, aka the application was rejected.
"The suspect shared videos and photos of himself and his ex-girlfriend to the victim's friends so that the victim would marry him," said the Head of Pariaman Police, AKBP Deny Rendra Laksmana during a press conference in Pariaman, reported by Antara, Thursday, February 18.
He said this was discovered when the victim's friend informed him that he had received videos and photos via Whatsapp where the victim was with a man half naked or topless.
But in the video and photo, the man's face is covered with emotion so that the victim's friends don't know for sure who the man is.
After that, he continued, the victim asked his friend to send the number that sent the video and photo of himself to him so that the victim strongly suspected that the spreader of the video was his ex-girlfriend.
The suspect also shared the videos and photos with other victims' friends, but through social media (Facebook) and finally the suspect shared the immoral videos and photos with the victim and threatened to accept his proposal.
"Finally the victim reported the suspect's actions to us in December 2020," he said.
He conveyed that after receiving the report, the Pariaman Police tracked down the suspect's whereabouts so that it was known that he was in Senapelan District, Pekanbaru, Riau, and arrested some time ago.
"So the location of the suspect is indeed moving," he said.
He mentioned the articles applied to 45 paragraph 1 jo 27 paragraph 1 of law number 19 of 2016 concerning amendments to law number 11 of 2008 concerning electronic information and transactions with the threat of a six-year prison sentence and / or a fine of IDR 1 billion.
The evidence in the case is a video screenshot and a CD containing a video of the victim and the suspect who is naked for a duration of four seconds.
He added that currently his party continues to monitor the psychology of the victims after the distribution of the videos and photos.
From the suspect's confession, the cause of his proposal was rejected by the family because he did not have a job.
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