The second debate for the 2024 presidential election specifically for vice presidential candidates (cawapres) will take place on Friday, December 22. Vice Presidential Candidate number 1, Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) admits that he is ready to face the debate later. "Yes, we are just getting ready," said Cak Imin in Bekasi Regency, West Java, Monday, December 18. However, the General Chairperson of the PKB admitted that he had not prepared a question that would be thrown to vice presidential candidate number 2 Gibran Rakabuming Raka and vice presidential candidate number 3 Mahfud MD in the debate "We don't have a plan to ask what. We haven't prepared (the ammunition) at all," said Cak Imin. On that occasion, Cak Imin responded to the proposal of the Ganjar-Mahfud National Winning Team (TPN) which evaluated the debate format with a slight change in concept, namely increasing the podium and increasing the intercalon question session. "Agree, want to use a good podium, if not, it's like yesterday, Mas Anies. Yes, it's up to the KPU, it's up to the KPU, aah. We'll follow what the KPU asked for," he said. It is known, the debate the second will be held by the General Elections Commission (KPU) on Friday. The theme will be related to the Economy (regional economy and the digital economy), Finance, Tax Investment, Trade, Management of the APBN-APBD, Infrastructure, and Urban Affairs. Third debate on Sunday, January 7, 2024 with the theme defense, security, international relations, and geopolitical. The fourth debate on Sunday, January 21, 2024, has the theme of sustainable development, natural resources (SDA), environment, energy, food, agrarianism indigenous peoples and villages. Furthermore, the fifth or last debate that was held on Sunday, February 4, 2024, which raised the theme of social welfare, culture, education, information technology, health, employment, human resources, and inclusion. In its implementation, the debate will last for 150 minutes. Especially the debate session runs for 120 minutes, and the remaining 30 minutes of advertising shows. Debates are divided into six segments. The 2024 presidential election debate is divided into 6 segments, namely: segment 1: Order reading by moderators, followed by a vision-mission presentation by each presidential candidate.Segment 2: deepening of vision and mission, in this segment panelists will code out questions that will begin with pair number 2, followed by pair number 3, and finally pair number 1. In total, there are 18 questions raised by 11 panelists. segment 3: deepening the vision of the mission and work program, where the presidential candidate answers questions that will be given by the moderator. segment 4: the presidential candidates give a statement to Another presidential candidate. Starting with the presidential candidate Anies Baswedan who will ask Prabowo Subianto a question.

Segmen 5: This is the question and answer segment between pairs of presidential candidates. In this segment, the presidential candidate Anies will be the first to ask the presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo.Segmen 6: This is the closing segment. The presidential candidate pair gave a closing statement and a commitment to the peaceful campaign.

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