The National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) is investigating a bus that had a fatal accident on the Cipali toll road, Purwakarta, West Java, which caused 12 casualties. KNKT collaborated with the Transportation Service and PT Hino to identify the cause of the accident.

"Currently, the NTSC is taking factual data, we collect these findings, we will inventory them later, then we will analyze them, so at this time we cannot conclude what is wrong, what is damaged, we cannot determine yet," said the head of the PO Handoyo accident investigation team, M Leksono, Sunday 17 December.

The NTSC team is investigating various aspects, including road conditions, vehicle debris, and victim checks. Examination also involves evaluation of the braking system, engine conditions, tires, and other important elements that may contribute to accidents.

Checking involves an assessment of possible modifications to the vehicle system that can affect its performance. In addition, the NTSC also focuses on evaluating road conditions around the accident site, especially at sharp bends.

Leksono, said that the results of the investigation would be analyzed for a maximum of 11 months to identify the cause of the accident and provide recommendations to related parties, including toll managers, police, transportation services, and brand-holding agents.

At the same time, the police have named the driver named Rinto Katana as a suspect because he was considered negligent in driving, including exceeding the speed limit when crossing the corner.

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