JAKARTA - Indonesian health workers in the Humanity Agent Without Walls demanded that the World Health Organization (WHO) provide guarantees for the safety of health workers in charge of providing medical assistance to victims in Palestinian health facilities.

"Health workers are not combatants, so for whatever reason they should not be subjected to violence," said Humanity Agent Without Walls in Jakarta, Antara, confiscated Friday, December 15.

They urged the WHO to immediately release health workers detained by the Israeli military and provide access to humanitarian aid and foreign health workers to help war victims and protect foreign health workers working there.

They also demanded the WHO to encourage people and health organizations around the world to voice the same thing and no more treatment that violates the Geneva convention for health workers in the future.

Humanity Agent Without Walls is a combination of the MER-C (Medical Emergency Rescue Committee) and various medical personnel organizations such as the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI), the Indonesian Dental Association (PDGI), the Association of Indonesian Pharmacists Association (IAI), the Indonesian Midwives Association (IBI), the Indonesian National Nurses Association (PPNI), the Indonesian Radiographers Association (PARI).

Then, the Association of Indonesian Medical Laboratory Technologists (PATELKI), the Indonesian Fisiotherapy Association (IFI), the Association of Indonesian Nutritionists (PERSAGI), the Indonesian Dental and Mouth Therapy Association (PTGMI).

They moved and voiced together against violations of the law of war and humanity, in an event titled "Time to Scream to the World, STOP GENOCIDE!" in Jakarta on Friday.

The event also became a form of solidarity between Indonesian health workers and Palestine.

Fighting in the Gaza Strip, Palestine has entered its 67th day. The Palestinian Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip said 287 medical personnel were victims of Israel's brutal attacks.

In addition, more than 70 medical personnel were arrested by Israeli forces and 140 health agencies were damaged.

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