Presidential candidate number 3, Ganjar Pranowo said that if he wins the 2024 presidential election, he will ensure that people's freedom of expression is not restrained.

He also invited the public and other pairs of candidates for presidential and vice-presidential candidates to mature in democracy in accordance with the mandate of reform. If this is done, Ganjar believes that the right to express ideas and public opinions that are protected by law can run properly.

"When we can manage this democracy well, in accordance with the mandate of reform, there is no more story of Mrs. Sinta, there is no story of Mas Butet, there is no story of Melki, there is no such thing, because our adults are in democracy," said Ganjar in the closing session of the inaugural presidential election. 2024 at the KPU Building, Central Jakarta, Tuesday 12 December.

Ganjar said a number of names he mentioned, such as the Chairman of the BEM of the University of Indonesia, Melki Sedek Huang, were dealing with freedom of expression. Therefore, Ganjar emphasized that if he wins the 2024 presidential election, he will lead the government openly against criticism from the public so that similar incidents do not happen again.

According to Ganjar, public ideas and opinions in the form of criticism of the government are vitamins that should be treated with introspection from policy makers.

As for today, the inaugural 2024 presidential election debate is held which raises the theme of law, human rights (HAM), eradication of corruption, government, improvement of public services, strengthening democracy, as well as handling disinformation and harmony of citizens.

The purpose of this debate is between the presidential candidate number 1 Anies Baswedan, serial number 2 Prabowo Subianto, and serial number 3 Ganjar Pranowo.

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