South Jakarta Metro Police said the bodies of four children who were killed by their biological fathers were buried at the Sawangan Surgeon Public Cemetery (TPU), Depok, West Java.

"The funeral will be held this afternoon at the Parigi Sawangan TPU," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Police AKBP Bintoro to reporters in Jakarta, Sunday, December 10.

Bintoro explained that this funeral had been coordinated with the victim's family, represented by the uncle of the victim's mother, with the initials DM.

The police promised to thoroughly investigate the case of the father who allegedly killed four biological children in Jagakarsa, South Jakarta.

Contacted separately, the Head of the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, Brigadier General Hariyanto, stated that the autopsy of the four children's bodies had been completed.

His party is now waiting for the results of the samples sent to the Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo National Central General Hospital and the National Police Laboratory Center.

"The autopsy of the body has been completed, waiting for the results of the samples sent by investigators to RSCM and Puslabfor," said Hariyanto.

Previously, the Kramat Jati Police Hospital observed the psychology of the father who was suspected of killing four of his biological children, with the initials P (41), in Jagakarsa, South Jakarta, for 14 days.

Perpetrator P allegedly killed four of his biological children, namely the initials VA (6), SP (4), AR (3), and AS (1) in Jagakarsa, South Jakarta on Sunday, December 3.

The South Jakarta Metro Police have named perpetrator P as a suspect under Article 338 in conjunction with 340 of the Criminal Code concerning Premeditated Murder and Child Protection Law.

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