JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo rotated 535 members, both high-ranking officers (pati) and middle-ranking officers (pamen). Of the member units, four of them are Female Police (polwan).

The rotation and mutations are contained in two Telegram Letters numbered ST/2749/XII/KEP./2023 and ST/2750/XII/KEP./2023, dated December 7, 2023.

Four policewomen whose positions have been rotated are Kombes Nurul Azizah as Director of STIK, Kombes Emi Sumijati was appointed as Karo HR of the DIY Police, AKBP Yolanda Evalyn Sebayang became Deputy Chief of the Tangerang Metro Police, and AKBP Herlina served as Head of the Magelang Police. All of them got promotions.

"Mutations are natural in the National Police organization. Substitutions are made to personnel entering their retirement period. Then there are promotions, adding to the experience of tour of duty and tour of the area," said Assistant Chief of Police for Human Resources, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo in his statement, quoted Friday, December 8.

Then, the National Police Chief also rotated several regional police chiefs, such as Inspector General Daniel Tahi Monang Silitonga who was appointed as the NTT Police Chief replacing Inspector General Johanis Asadoma.

The South Sulawesi Police Chief will be appointed by Inspector General Andi Rian Djajadi to replace Inspector General Setyo Boedi who is entering retirement or retirement.

The position of the South Kalimantan Police Chief left by Inspector General Andi Rian Djajadi will be filled by Inspector General Winarto. Then, the West Papua Police Chief was held by Brigadier General Johnny Eddizon Isir.

The position of the Riau Islands Police Chief will also be filled by Brigadier General Yan Fitri to replace Inspector General Tabana Bangun who is entering retirement.

The change of position also applies to the position of Deputy Chief of Police. Brigadier General Abioso Senoaji Central Java Deputy Chief of Police was appointed as Widyaiswara of the Main Police Tk.I Sespim Lemdiklat Polri. His position was replaced by Kombes Agus Suryonugroho.

Jambi Deputy Chief of Police Brigadier General Yudawan Roswinarso was transferred to a new position as Deputy Chief of Police of East Kalimantan. The position of Deputy Chief of Police of Jambi is now entrusted to Brigadier General Edi Mardianto, who previously served as Deputy Chief of Police of West Sumatra.

Then, the position of Deputy Chief of Police of West Sumatra was entrusted to Brigadier General Gupuh Setiyono, who was previously Karoprovos Divpropam Polri. The position of Gupuh in the Divpropam Polri was replaced by Kombes Sumarto.

Finally, Brigadier General Raden Slamet Santoso, who served as Deputy Chief of the Yogyakarta Regional Police, was appointed as the new Dirgakkum Korlantas Polri.

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