JAKARTA One debt collector named Tomsir Benedict Gultom alias TBG (46), who claimed to work for CIMB Niaga Finance, revealed that his income for one month reached tens of millions. However, through this work, Tomsir was arrested by the Jatanras Resmob Team of the Central Java Police for the case of confiscation of vehicles belonging to customers.

Tomsir admitted that he had worked as a debt collector for 22 years. His salary reaches IDR 20 to IDR 30 million per month. The leasing who employs him.

"I've been working like this since 1999," admitted TBG, a resident of Bekasi, West Java, at the Central Java Police Ditreskrimum Office, Semarang City, Thursday, December 7.

In addition, Tomsir also admitted that he and his colleagues often get orders from their boss through a power of attorney to withdraw the car from bad creditors.

Armed with the letter, Tomsir went around looking for targets. He and his partner intimidated and committed violence in order to get his hunting car.

"I personally earn Rp. 20 million to Rp. 30 million per month from my superiors," said Tomsir.

Tomsir was arrested along with his colleagues, after seizing a Mitsubishi Outlander car belonging to a customer who is said to have been in arrears for 8 months.

Dirreskrimsus Polda Central Java Kombes Johanson Ronald Simamora explained that the quarrel between Tomsir and his customers took place at the Panawiloso Hospital, on Jalan Dokter Cipto, Semarang. After the police arrived, the two were asked to resolve the problem at the Semarang Polrestabes.

However, at the Semarang Polrestabes there was no agreement. Tomsir and his colleagues asked their victims to come to the CIMB Niaga Finance office. There was also no agreement.

The victim left the Outlander car locked in the parking lot. But in the evening, Tomsir and his partner took the towing car and transported the car to the Smart Bid pool, in Ngaliyan District, Semarang.

"The victim refused and left CIMB Niaga's office in a parked car in a locked condition", said Kombes Johanson Ronald Simamora.

Realizing that he felt aggrieved in this way, the victim reported the incident to the Central Java Police. The report was received with the number LP/B/205/XI/2023/SPKT POLDA CENTRAL JAVA, on November 8, 2023.

The investigation went on until finally the Central Java Police's Jatanras Resmob Team managed to arrest Tomsir and 6 other debt collectors with a number of evidences.

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