JAKARTA - Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Maria Zakharova said at a press conference that British diplomats currently want to position themselves as peacemakers in Ukraine-related situations, although it was London that prohibited Kyiv from conducting peace negotiations with Moscow.

The comments were related to media reports that British diplomats were suspected of putting pressure on Ukrainian authorities for them to negotiate with Russia.

"I don't know what kind of negotiating table they're talking about, considering it was the British diplomats who removed the negotiating table from the hands of the Kiev negotiators in 2022," Zakharova said.

"Maybe through such a leak the British authorities are trying to give an impression that they are peace carriers," he continued.

He noted that the relevant reports could only be properly assessed when certain official names began to be mentioned.

"In order for such rhetoric to exist, it is necessary to discuss this openly and confirm it with concrete actions," Zakharova explained.

"So far, the reality is that it is confirmed, namely a ban and all kinds of tricks to prevent the Kiev regime from negotiating with Russia over the years," he said.

It is known that the news of diplomats in Britain is preparing to pressure Kyiv and negotiate with Russia to end the war, inseparable from Ukraine's counter-attack which is deemed not as expected, raising questions of Ukraine's mercy to win the war, as quoted by the Express.

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