BANJARNEGARA The Banjarnegara Police provided psychological trauma healing assistance to female refugees and children who were victims of the land disaster moving in Jembangan Village, Punggelan District, Banjarnegara, Wednesday, December 5.

"As a form of Polri's empathy for people who are victims of disasters, we provide psychological assistance so as not to focus too much on disasters that occur and not to go to sea in sadness," said Banjarnegara Police Chief AKBP Era Johny Kurniawan, in a written statement received on Thursday, December 7.

This activity was carried out by the Banjarnegara Police team, especially Polwan for children and mothers.

"The Banjarnegara Police Team gives encouragement and motivation to residents, especially children and mothers," he explained.

He hopes that this activity can reduce and even eliminate psychological disorders that are being experienced which are caused by shock or trauma.

"The victims, especially children and mothers, can be mentally and psychologically stable," he concluded.

Please note, this moving ground began on Sunday, December 3, where heavy rain had occurred since 12.00 WIB, resulting in ground movement at around 23.30 WIB.

After the incident the residents began to be vigilant and on Monday, December 4, at 11.30 WIB the rain was moderate again so that the soil moved more badly at 13.00 WIB. As a result, 4 houses were badly damaged and 13 families fled in a safe place.

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