SOLO - Bengawan Solo River Basin Center (BBWS) seeks to increase vigilance in dealing with the risk of flood disasters this rainy season.
BBWSBS Head Maryadi Utama said the government had made a number of efforts related to flood anticipation.
These efforts range from flood control infrastructure to the readiness of heavy equipment and pumps.
He said that for flood control infrastructure, Pidekso Dam was alerted in Wonogiri Regency, Gongseng Dam in Bojonegoro Regency, Gondang Dam in Karanganyar Regency, Tukul Dam in Pacitan Regency, and Bendo Dam in Ponorogo Regency.
The readiness of heavy equipment and equipment, including sandbags, wire ovals, dump trucks, and pump houses. In addition, 1,700 personnel have also been alerted from upstream, middle, to downstream.
He said other disaster alert efforts were carried out by supporting and promoting the 10th World Water Forum, which is the largest cross-border forum in the world that focuses on discussing water issues globally and looking for solutions.
Meanwhile, in the same seminar, Deputy Governor of East Java Emil Dardakber had the opportunity to become a speaker and explained various efforts made by the East Java Provincial Government in anticipating flood disasters.
"On average, when we talk about rivers, there is engineering or engineering solutions," he said.
However, he admitted, not all anticipatory efforts can be made because they are constrained by fiscal resources. Therefore, efforts need to be combined with risk mitigation.
"How can we reduce vulnerability, vulnerability to flood risk with alert apples, cleaning rivers. This seems trivial, simple but has a significant impact to reduce the impact of disasters," he said.
For the medium and long term, fundamental solutions are still needed, such as the development of flood control infrastructure.
On the other hand, he said, the role of the community is important in maintaining the function of drainage.
"The role of the community and the community to protect the slope, upstream, drainage area is the key. Otherwise, sedimentation or blockage will occur. The more active the community will be, the less expensive it will have to pay to deal with the risk of flooding," he said.
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