The Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park Center (BB TNBTS) stated that the Bromo area in East Java was free from motorized vehicle activities to commemorate the customs and culture of the Tengger community in Wulan Kapitu.

Head of Administration Section of the TNBTS Center Septi Eka Wardhani in Malang City, East Java, Wednesday, said that the Bromo area free from motorized vehicles was enforced on December 12, 2023 starting at 16.00 WIB.

"At the beginning of Wulan Kapitu, December 12, motorized vehicles were free from 16.00 WIB to December 13 at 16.00 WIB. This is the opening of Megeng," Septi said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, December 6.

Septi explained that the Bromo area was again sterile from motorized vehicles at the end of Wulan Kapitu which fell on January 9 from 16.00 WIB to January 10, 2024 at the same time.

According to him, the Bromo area is free from motorized vehicles unless there is an emergency. Vehicles are allowed to pass if there is an emergency situation in the area which requires a quick and immediate response.

"The closure of Kaldera Tengger from motorized vehicles, except for emergencies," he said.

The Bromo area free of motorized vehicles is stated in the announcement numbered PG. 27/T.8/BIDTEK/KSA/12/2023 concerning Restrictions on Natural Tourism Visits and Community Activities in Wulan Kapitu 2024.

The limits for motorized vehicles that are allowed to pass from the Pasuruan Regency area are up to Pakis Bincil, while from the Malang and Lumajang areas it is only allowed until the Jemplang area.

"Meanwhile, from the direction of Probolinggo Regency, to Wonokerto Village," he said.

The Bromo area free of motorized vehicles at the Wulan Kapitu commemoration has taken into account the Letter of the Chairperson of Parisada Hindu Dharma Indonesia, Probolinggo Regency Number 279/PHDI-KAB/XI/2023 dated November 22, 2023.

The Mount Bromo area is one of the leading tourist destinations in East Java. In 2022, it was recorded that 318,919 tourists were visited, divided into 310,418 domestic tourists and 8,501 foreign tourists.

Of the total number of tourist visits to Bromo throughout 2022, there was Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) reaching Rp11.65 billion, which increased when compared to the previous year which was Rp4.85 billion.

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