BOGOR - Having been missing for four days, the beautiful girl Fitria Wulandari (21), a resident of Cibalagung Village, Pasir Jaya Village, West Bogor District, Bogor City was found dead in a shophouse. It turned out that Fitria was killed by her lover, Rahmat Agil alias Ayung.

It is known that Ayung had lied to the victim's parents by saying his girlfriend died in an accident.

Bogor City Police Chief Kombespol Bismo Teguh Prakoso explained the chronology of the murder of the beautiful girl. Bismo revealed that the victim's father was a co-worker with Ayung.

This case began when the victim who was in the area of Jalan Malabar was picked up by the perpetrator on Thursday, November 28 at around 21.00 WIB.

The perpetrator then took the victim to an inn in Kedung Badak Village, Bogor City and had sex.

On Friday morning at around 01.00 Ayung stated that he wanted to decide on only those who had been walking for about 11 months. However, the victim did not want to scream.

The perpetrator panicked, covered the victim's nose and mouth, and took other actions that made Fitria lose her life.

Fitria was found dead in a shophouse with bruises on her face and head. Bogor City Police officers suspect the case is an act of murder.

The police then arrested Rahmat Agil, the victim's girlfriend who was suspected of being the perpetrator of the murder on Sunday, December 3.

After committing the murder, the perpetrator was still sleeping with the victim at the inn until the morning. At around 09.00 WIB, the perpetrator started to mess up so he made up a story that the victim died in an accident.

"Then he asked his friend for help and told him that the victim died in an accident. Then the three of them took the victim to the house," continued the Police Chief.

However, unfortunately, the perpetrator, who was afraid of his cover being exposed, finally failed to deliver the victim's body. In fact, the victim was taken to a meeting building and stored on the 2nd floor. The perpetrator had blocked the victim's blood at 14.00 WIB.

The next day, Saturday, the perpetrator returned to the victim's body and met the victim's father.

"At that time the victim's father asked where his son was. The perpetrator answered that he was at a friend's house," continued the Police Chief.

The perpetrator finally just informed the location of the victim at 21.00 WIB on the grounds that he was killed in an accident. The police who received the report finally arrested the perpetrator.

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