JAKARTA - The Legislation Body (Baleg) of the DPR approved the Draft Law (RUU) No. 29 of 2007 concerning the Provincial Government (Pemprov) of the Special Region of Jakarta or the Special Region of Jakarta Bill is discussed at the next level.

In the draft of the Jakarta Special Region Bill, Article 10 states that the Governor and Deputy Governor of the Special Region of Jakarta are appointed and stopped by the President by taking into account the proposals or opinions of the DPR. PDI-P (PDIP) politician Masinton Pasaribu expressed his disapproval.

"After Jakarta is no longer a Special Capital Region. I do not agree if the Governor and Deputy Governor of the Special Region of Jakarta are APPOINTED, APPOINTED AND STOPPED BY the President," Masinton wrote on his X social media account, Tuesday, December 5.

This member of the DPR for the DKI Jakarta II electoral district including South Jakarta, Central Jakarta and Foreign Affairs did not explain further the reasons for his disapproval. He also did not say the appropriate scheme according to him.

As for the Jakarta Special Region Bill, it was agreed to become a DPR initiative bill. The decision was made at the Baleg Plenary Meeting at the DPR Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, December 4.

In the meeting, of the 9 factions that conveyed mini views, as many as 8 factions agreed and 1 refused.

A total of 8 factions agreed with notes, namely the PDIP, Golkar, Gerindra, NasDem, Democrats, PAN, PPP, and PKB factions. Meanwhile, 1 faction refused from PKS.

After Jakarta is no longer a Special Capital Region. I do not agree if the Governor and Deputy Governor of the Special Region of Jakarta are APPOINTED, APPOINTED AND STOPPED BY the President. #mbarrufrujakarta pic.twitter.com/Nu RugGarbK

Regarding the Governor and Deputy Governor as regulated in Article 10 of the Jakarta Special Region Bill. The Gerindra faction is of the view that the Governor and Deputy Governor need to be appointed, appointed and dismissed by the President to continue to pay attention to the proposals or opinions of the DPRD of the Special Region of Jakarta.

"One of these is in order to accommodate the proposal of the 1982 Betawi Tribe Deliberative Body which some time ago carried out RDPU in Baleg, and is a form of implementation of meaningful community participation (meaningful participation) as regulated in Article 96 of the Law on the Establishment of Legislation," said a member of the Legislative Council from the Gerindra faction, Heri Gunawan, who was confiscated from the official website of the DPR.

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