JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, highlighted a number of basic commodities that are still experiencing price increases ahead of Christmas 2023 and New Year's 2024. For this reason, she encourages the Government to intervene to stabilize prices.

"I hope from the government to keep the prices of basic commodities stable," said Puan after inaugurating the Gedhe Klaten Market, Monday, December 4.

At Gedhe Klaten Market itself, the increase in commodity prices is not yet visible. Even so, the increase in a number of commodity staples occurred in a number of areas.

For example, at Johar Baru Market, Central Jakarta, where the increase in all staple foods is now above the Highest Retail Price (HET) or Sales Reference Price (HAP). Such as the price of cayenne pepper which has reached Rp. 120,000 per kilogram (kg) and the price of curly red chilies reaching Rp. 110,000 per kg.

This value is higher than the Sales Reference Price (HAP) set by the government, which is IDR 57,000 kg for red tweets and IDR 55,000 kg for curly tweets.

Meanwhile, at the Mandailing Natal Traditional Market, Medan, North Sumatra, the price of bulk sugar at the merchant level is now sold for IDR 18,000 per kg. Whereas the normal price of bulk sugar is usually IDR 15,000 per kg.

Through its supervisory function, Puan emphasized that the DPR will participate in overseeing the increase in the price of basic commodities.

"Of course we will provide supervision, even though it is still far from Christmas and the new year," said the first woman to serve as Chairman of the DPR RI.

Puan also appealed to all members of the council to carry out supervision, especially in their respective electoral districts. Moreover, every holiday moment usually results in an increase in a number of commodities of basic commodities.

"Of course later we will carry out surveillance but to this day we still ask to keep the prices of basic commodities stable," said Puan.

When inaugurating the Gedhe Klaten Market, the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture also bought several foodstuffs. This is often done by Puan as support for MSMEs.

"Buyer soun, Javanese sugar shopping made in Klaten. The Klaten rice, which is sold only in Klaten," replied Bung Karno's grandson when asked by reporters.

Puan also hopes that Gedhe Klaten Market with a new face can improve the economy of Klaten residents. After being renovated, Gedhe Klaten Market has now become a semi-modern market with the first escalator and traveler to use solar power.

"Everyone brings hope that God willing, economic activities in Klaten will be more advanced, more superior, and of course so that the people will be more prosperous," said Puan.

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