TANGERANG - The Integrated Service Center for the Empowerment of Women and Children (P2TP2A) in South Tangerang City will coordinate with P2TP2A DKI Jakarta regarding the handling of victims suspected of raping by their father, FN (17). The reason is the families of victims of DKI Jakarta residents.

"We are also coordinating with the UPTD PPA DKI (Jakarta) because it is related to the DKI ID card owned by the victim's family," said Head of South Tangerang P2TP2A, Tri Purwanto in a short message, Sunday, December 3.

Tri also said that if there is a treatment for the health of the baby and the victim itself, it will be followed up by P2TP2A DKI Jakarta. This happened because the victim's family had a DKI Jakarta resident card

"Yes, so that the victim and the baby can get further services for costs and so on," he said.

Regarding the condition of the baby who had problems with vision, Tri admitted that he had not dared to comment. Because his party is still gathering information regarding this matter.

"Later we collect information first and will," he said.

Previously, it was reported that FN (17), a victim of forced intercourse, had her biological father gave birth this morning, Friday, December 1 at Kartini Hospital, Cipulir, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta, at around 07.00 WIB.

But the unexpected thing is, FN has a baby blues syndrome or does not want to see the baby.

It is known that Baby blues syndrome is a mental health disorder experienced by women after giving birth.

"From the victim, after giving birth he had Baby Blues. So he hated his child. He wanted his child to be entrusted to someone else," said Women Activist Pratiwi Noviyanthi to VOI, Friday, December 1.

Even though he has a baby blues syndrome, FN still had time to ask about the baby to be adopted by which party.

"If anyone wants to adopt it, the victim wants to see who it is," said Pratiwi.

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