SERANG - The case of the deaths of two drug convicts, BY and BP, is still under investigation by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham). The Head of the Correctional Division of the Banten Ministry of Law and Human Rights Office, Jalu Yuswa Panjang, said two picket teams on guard at the time of the incident would be examined to find out whether there was negligence or not.

"(Inspection) to officers on guard duty that day. Two teams were examined by the Head of Division and the team from Regional Office," Jalu told reporters at the Class II A Serang Prison, Friday, December 1

In addition, his party also conducted an examination of the survivors so that the motive for drinking soda was mixed with hand sanitizer.

It is known, a total of 15 inmates drank Coca Cola mixed with germs or hand sanitizer. Of the dozens of inmates, two people died while the rest were still safe.

"The team (also conducted) an examination of the inmates involved," he said.

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