JAKARTA - Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, supports Indonesia's existence in efforts to combat the climate change crisis in the Conference of the Parties (COP) 28 UNFCCC in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE). As 3 countries that are the lungs of the world, Indonesia is said to be the leader in an effort to combat global warming.

"Implementing the climate crisis is a crucial point to protect the ecosystem, maintain ecological balance, and prevent serious impacts on human life," said Puan, Friday, December 1.

"The DPR will continue to support efforts to fight the climate change crisis which is the agenda for the discussion of the 28th COP," added the first woman to serve as Chair of the DPR RI.

As is known, COP28 is another term from the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference (UNBB) or the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework on Climate Change Conference) Conference. UNFC is the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

This year's COP28 event will be held at Dubai Expo, United Arab Emirates from November 30, 2023, to December 12. The government sent a number of representatives to the forum.

COP28 in Dubai is the 28th UN annual meeting to discuss measures to limit future climate change and is expected to help maintain the goal of limiting world temperature rise to approved limits.

There are four things discussed in COP28, namely the issue of energy transition, compensation and fines, climate funding gaps as well as methane and food systems. The purpose of this event is to stop global warming and mitigation and adaptation to the negative impact of global warming so that there are no bigger disasters.

Regarding the energy transition, Puan continues to voice the importance of the world adapting by using renewable energy. He encourages the commitment of all countries to face these challenges because it is the gateway to an environmentally friendly future.

"In addition to the energy transition, it is also important to reduce deforestation. Indonesia itself is a country that contributes to reducing 60% of emissions production in Indonesia by preventing forest fires during the Covid-19 pandemic," said Puan.

Regarding the climate funding gap, Puan is known to be one of the figures who always voice this issue in international forums. He continues to remind developed countries to help developing countries and underdeveloped countries in terms of funding as a commitment to fighting climate change.

"DPR at every opportunity always encourages the mobilization of investment and financing of SDGs to developing countries which must be a priority. This includes realizing climate financing commitments from developed countries, to support developing countries and LDC (least developed countries)," said Bung Karno's grandson.

Furthermore, Puan also encourages synergy between the Government, the private sector, and community organizations/agencies in fighting climate change. That way, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) target or sustainable development goals can be carried out according to the target.

In Indonesia alone, various stakeholders continue to strive for energy transition programs through the use of new and renewable energy (EBT). Including the DPR through the function of legislation, budget, and supervision.

Among them are the development of electric vehicle infrastructure, and the installation of Roof Solar Power Plants (PLTS) in 94 locations spread throughout Indonesia. The total capacity of the Roof PLTS to be installed reaches 10.94 megawatt peak (MWp).

"Collaboration is the right step to support the development of a clean energy transition ecosystem. With the synergy of all parties, including the Government supported by the DPR together with SOEs, private parties, and organizations, it is hoped that it can increase the use of renewable energy in Indonesia," said Puan.

COP28 which was held in Dubai not only allows bilateral cooperation in government. Because this agenda was also attended by leaders from various countries, companies, organizations and communities who would exchange aspirations and roles in overcoming climate change. Puan hopes that all parties representing Indonesia can play an active role so that Indonesia's existence on the issue of climate change is increasingly recognized by the world.

Both from Ministries, SOEs, the private sector, as well as organizations representing Indonesia at COP28 in Dubai must increase awareness of the global community about Indonesia's contribution to fighting the climate crisis," he hoped.

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