Monitoring Post Records 35 Eruptions At The Peak Of Mount Ile Lewotolok NTT
Mount Ile Lwotolok Monitoring Post. BETWEEN/Kornelis Kaha

The Ile Lewotolok Volcano Observation Post in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) reported 35 eruptions at the top of the mountain during Thursday (30/11) at 00.00 WITA to 24.00 WITA local time.

"Since yesterday there have been 35 eruptions that have occurred at the top of the mountain crater," said Mount Ile Lewotolok Monitoring Officer Fajaruddin M. Balido as reported by ANTARA, Friday, December 1.

Of the 35 eruptions, he said, the height of the ash column was in the range of 200-500 m and the colors of white and gray smoke.

Fajaruddin said the eruption was accompanied by incandescent lava and a weak to moderate roar. Lontaran lava incandescent within the peak radius.

When an eruption occurs, he said, the mountain is clearly visible up to 0-II fog. The smoke from the crater is weak to moderately white with moderate to thick intensity and a height of 50-700 meters above the crater peak.

Currently, the volcano that erupted at the end of November 2021 is now at Level II or alert.

Therefore, his party issued recommendations in the form of a ban on people around Mount Ile Lewotolok and visitors, climbers, and tourists entering and carrying out activities within a two-kilometer radius of the mountain activity center.

Meanwhile, people in the three villages below the foot of the mountain, such as Lamawolo Village, Lamatokan Village, and Jontona Village, are asked to always be aware of the potential threat of danger from avalanches or lava avalanches and hot clouds from the eastern part of the peak or crater of Mount Ile Lewotolok.

He recalled that there was still volcanic ash coming out of the crater of the mountain, so people were advised to always use masks to avoid respiratory problems and other health problems.

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