JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD highlighted the disappointing law enforcement in Indonesia because the practice of buying and selling cases and verdicts by the mafia of law still occurs.

This was conveyed by Mahfud at the Dies Natalis event as well as the Bung Karno University (UBK) Bachelor's and Master's Graduation Program at the Jakarta International Expo (JiExpo) Kemayoran, Central Jakarta.

"People can be angry, 'Mr Mahfud, how come you say that'. I have the proof, so many of it, if you ask for the proof. The verdict can be bought, the case can be bought, the articles can be ordered," said Mahfud as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, November 30.

If a case occurs, said Mahfud, the mafia of law usually intervenes in the legal process by ordering that the case be subject to certain articles only. Moreover, the mafia of law also appoints the investigators they want.

"It has been ordered beforehand. It will be regulated again at the prosecutor's office, again at court. That is what is then called the mafia of law," he said.

According to Mahfud, violations of the law still often occur because some people are only afraid of legal articles, but are not afraid of ethics and morals.

He regrets people who only understand the law as a norm and ignore ethics and morals so that violations of the law still occur. In fact, ethical and moral aspects should also be the basis of law enforcement.

In his oration in front of students and academics, Mahfud reminded again the importance of understanding ethics and morals in addition to the law.

These three aspects, he continued, actually exist in Pancasila which contains noble values.

"I want to emphasize, if we want to be a good nation, follow Pancasila, that is from aspects other than the law. The spirit of Pancasila is what is more outside the law. If you are only afraid of the law, you can cheat with the law, you can trading with the law, you can get rich illegally with the law," said the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK).

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