JAKARTA - The religious leader who serves as administrator of the Timika Diocese Pastor Marthen Kuayo Pr has called on all parties to end the armed conflict that occurred in Intan Jaya Regency, Papua Province.

"We from the church invite the government, in this case, the TNI and Police apparatus as well as the TPN-OPM (National Defense Forces - Free Papua Organization) to take steps to dialogue to end the conflict in Intan Jaya. If the situation remains like this, it is certain that victims will continue to fall from both sides", he said. Pastor Marthen in Timika, reported by Antara, Wednesday, February 17.

Marthen is worried that if the armed conflict between the TNI-Polri apparatus and the TPN-OPM or what the apparatus calls the Armed Criminal Group/KKB (as the Police) or the Armed Separatist Criminal Group/KKSB (as the TNI) continues, the community will become a victim.

"People have been displaced everywhere, and the children who should go to school to build a better future, now everything is unclear", he said.

He hopes that there are neutral parties who can mediate the problems that occurred in Intan Jaya, either from community leaders or from the church so that the conflict situation does not endure.

Based on a report from Yustinus Rahangiar Pr as the Pastor of Bilogai Parish, Intan Jaya, currently, there are more than 600 residents from Bilogai, Kumlagupa, and Puyagiya villages that have fled to the rectory house and the Bilogai Catholic church.

Residents have fled to the church location since the shooting of Ramli, a kiosk owner in Sugapa by KKB, on Monday, February 8.

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