JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) searched the house of one of the suspects in the bribery and gratification case that ensnared Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights (Wamenkumham) Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej or Eddy Hiariej. This forced effort was carried out by investigators on Tuesday, November 28.

"The investigative team has finished carrying out forced efforts to install houses in the Jakarta area. The location in question is the residence of the party designated as a private suspect," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to reporters, Wednesday, November 29.

It did not specify the exact location the search was carried out. However, a source circulated that Eddy's personal assistant had occupied the house.

It is known, Eddy has two assistants to help with his work. They are Yogi Arie Rukmana and Yosi Andika Mulyadi.

From this action, investigators then received a number of evidences related to the alleged bribery and gratuities that ensnared Eddy. "In the form of several documents related to the case," said Ali.

The items found will then be analyzed. Ali said, the confiscation would then be carried out as evidence.

"Immediately confiscated and analyzed to become evidence in the case file," he said.

As previously reported, Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej or Eddy Hiariej was named a suspect in the alleged gratification case. The form of gratification is suspected to be the receipt of a sum of money related to consultation and assistance for the ratification of a company's legal entity.

"The determination of the suspect Wamenkumham is correct," said Deputy Chairman of the KPK Alexander Marwata some time ago.

Alexander ensured that the determination of the suspect was based on an investigation warrant (Sprindik) that it had been signed two weeks ago. With 4 suspects. From the recipient 3, from the giver 1," he said.

Meanwhile, KPK Director of Investigation Asep Guntur said Eddy would be summoned this week. "This week until Friday, it's only Tuesday. There is still Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Waiting," Asep told reporters, Tuesday, November 28.

Asep ensured that the warrant for the start of the investigation (SPDP) had also been sent to Eddy. Although he forgot exactly when, he confirmed that the document was submitted seven days after the determination of the suspect was made.

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