JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka launched the 'Free Lunch Program Socialization Movement' for school nutrition and Islamic boarding schools. Including nutritional assistance programs for children and pregnant women simultaneously by Campaign Teams throughout Indonesia.

This was conveyed by the Head of the Prabowo Gibran National Campaign Team, Rosan P. Roeslani to reporters at the Prabowo Gibran Media Center, South Jakarta, November 28.

"By saying Bismillah, to start a campaign period that is cheerful and full of ideas that are beneficial to the community. Today, we will start the Socialization Movement for Free Lunch Programs for School Children, and Simultaneous Nutrition Assistance for Children and Pregnant Women, simultaneously throughout Indonesia. Starting from nationally by TKN, and in regions in each TKD (Regional Campaign Team)," said Rosan.

According to Rosan, the campaign team's simultaneous movement can be an illustration for the community if in the future Prabowo-Gibran is elected as President and Vice President, this free lunch and milk program and nutrition assistance will be carried out.

"Starting today, there will be points initiated by each region, where there is the activation of free lunch, distribution of milk, and also nutrition assistance. People will begin to feel the benefits of the program, and understand Pak Prabowo's intentions from the program," he explained.

Rosan said the free lunch and nutrition assistance program is one of the main programs of pair number two.

"This program departs from the facts on the ground which are seen directly by Pak Prabowo and Mas Gibran, that our people still need to be helped to meet nutritional adequacy. emaks need help to overcome concerns about nutrition problems, stunting threats, and fulfill the need for lunch for children. Nutrition for pregnant women is important so that Indonesian children do not lose since the womb," said Rosan.

Rosan ensured that this program would be a strategic step for Prabowo Gibran to create Indonesian human resources capable of supporting Indonesia's transformation into a developed country.

Pak Prabowo wants to create a bridge for Indonesia Gold later, where our children grow optimally. So that Indonesia's human resources become a great strength when we become developed countries," concluded Rosan.

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