Unable To Face Family And Work Problems, A Man In Serang Hangs Himself
FI victim (23) ended his life by hanging himself because of allegations of family problems and work/ Photo; IST

Residents of RT 04 RW 17 Serang Baru City Housing (KSB) Sukaragam Village, Serang Baru District, Bekasi Regency were shocked after the body of a man was found hanging himself. The victim's condition was hanging by a cloth on a tree on the edge of the futsal field of Serang Baru City Housing (KSB).

After receiving the report, police officers moved to the location to conduct a crime scene (TKP) and asked for witness testimony. The case is being handled by the Serang Baru Sector Police.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Serang Baru Police, Iptu Mada Dimas, said that the results of the identification of the victim were known to have the initials FI (23) from Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra.

"The victim was first found by residents, no one knew the residents because the domicile of the victim was not around the crime scene (not local residents). So it's just a place," he said.

Dimas added, from the results of the check, there were no signs of violence on the victim's body. The victim is strongly suspected of deliberately ending his life due to work and family problems.

"What is clear is that there is a will, a message at WA (whatsapp-ed) to the victim's family regarding apologies regarding work and internal family," he said.

Currently, the victim's body has been evacuated and handed over to the family for burial.

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