JAKARTA - The Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) rejected the application for protection submitted by the former Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo or SYL.

Deputy Chairperson of LPSK Susilaningtias said the decision to reject SYL's request for protection was based on the results of the LPSK Leadership Court (SMPL) trial.

"That's right, (Syahrul Yasin Limpo's request for protection was rejected)," c told VOI, Monday, November 27.

Another Deputy Chairperson of the LPSK, Edwin Partogi, said the reason for the rejection of SYL's protection application was because it did not meet the requirements contained in Article 28 paragraph (1) of Law Number 31 of 2014 concerning the Protection of Witnesses and Victims.

Not only Syahrul Yasin Limpo, LPSK also rejected the protection application submitted by HT. The reason is similar.

"LPSK rejects the applications submitted by SYL and HT with the consideration that they do not meet the requirements, both of them are suspects and detained by the KPK," he said.

Meanwhile, LPSK received a request for protection submitted by three other people, namely U, PH, and H. The three of them will be accompanied during the process of examining cases of alleged corruption at the Ministry of Agriculture which is being handled by the KPK.

"Receiving the protection application submitted by P and H in the form of a physical protection program during the examination process as a witness and fulfillment of procedural rights," he said.

"Brother U in the form of a physical protection program during the examination process as a witness, fulfillment of procedural rights, and psychological rehabilitation," continued Edwin.

Syahrul Yasin Limpo submitted a request for protection to the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK). This was revealed based on the circulation of photos of receipts issued by LPSK regarding protection requests.

In the letter, it is not only SYL that is listed as applying for protection. There are several other names, namely, Muhammad Hatta, Panji Harjanto, Ubaidillah, and Hartoyo.

For information, the KPK revealed that there are three clusters being handled by investigators related to Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo. The details are extortion related to positions, gratuities, and alleged money laundering (TPPU).

In investigating this case, a search has been carried out at the official residence of the Minister of Agriculture Syahrul. From this forced effort, Rp30 billion in cash was found in the form of rupiah denominations and foreign currency and 12 firearms.

Not only that, investigators also searched the Ministry of Agriculture Office in Jakarta and the house of a suspect, Muhammad Hatta, who was in Jagakarsa, South Jakarta. During this activity, the anti-corruption commission found Rp400 million in cash allegedly related to allegations of corruption that was being investigated.

The KPK then stated that it would analyze the findings of the money. Meanwhile, firearms will be taken care of by the police.

On Wednesday, October 4, the KPK then searched the private house of the Minister of Agriculture in Makassar, South Sulawesi. At the last location, the KPK has not provided an official statement.

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