TANGERANG The Neon Moon II ship or garbage carrier from The Ocean Cleanup and Coldplay has been officially received by the Tangerang Regency Government (Pemkab), Banten Province, officially.

Tangerang Regency Regional Secretary (Sekda) Moch Maesyal Rasyid, said that the interceptor ship had docked in the Cisadane River, Tanjung Burung Village, Teluknaga District.

"We all hope that with the presence of the Neon Moon II ship, efforts to handle waste, especially plastic waste in the river, will be even better," said Moch Maesyal Rasyid, Antara, Monday, November 27.

He said that the garbage cleaning ship of the Cisadane River when operated can accommodate approximately six tons of plastic waste from the Cisadane River which is then taken to a garbage reservoir and reprocessed.

"The Neon Moon ship when operated can accommodate six tons of plastic waste from the Cisadane River and then take it to a garbage reservoir to be reprocessed," he said.

He expressed his appreciation and gratitude to Coldplay and The Ocean Cleanup Amsterdam, the Netherlands, for the assistance of a garbage cleaning boat for the Tangerang Regency Government which is currently anchored in Tanjung Bird.

"Thanks to Coldplay and The Ocean Cleanup Amsterdam, hopefully we can operate this ship soon to reduce the plastic waste carried by the Cisadane River and the results can be used for the common good later," he said.

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