JAKARTA - Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi said she would go to New York, United States to attend the High-Level Debate at the United Nations (UN) Security Council to discuss current issues related to the situation in Gaza, Palestine.

She said that the UN Security Council's High-Level Debate event would take place on Wednesday (29/11).

"We ourselves will fly to New York this afternoon to attend the High-Level Debate at the UN Security Council," said Retno at a Working Meeting (Raker) with Commission I of the House of Representatives (DPR) as reported by ANTARA, Monday, November 27.

Apart from Indonesia, Retno said that a number of foreign ministers from other Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) countries would also attend the meeting.

"OIC foreign ministers who received mandates from the OIC will attend the meeting," she said.

Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi during a meeting with the Indonesian DPR. (Antara)

Retno said the OIC foreign ministers were of the view that a more comprehensive and stronger UN Security Council resolution was needed.

"Especially to create a permanent ceasefire and provide smooth aid," she said.

Because, she said, UN Security Council resolution Number 2712 issued on November 15 2023 containing a call for a humanitarian pause is not enough to reduce the current conflict situation in Gaza, even though it is a good start.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs also said that international pressure must continue to be applied so that de-escalation of the conflict in Gaza can be achieved immediately.

"The UN Security Council has a moral responsibility to maintain security and peace and to fight for justice and humanity," she said.

Retno also emphasized Indonesia's commitment to supporting the struggle for Palestinian independence to date, as mandated by the constitution that colonialism over the world must be abolished.

She said Indonesia would use the existing momentum to prevent more casualties in the conflict in Gaza.

"And use this momentum as a push factor to encourage the peace process to realize a two-state solution and lasting peace in Palestine according to agreed international parameters," she said.

Apart from that, Indonesia needs to continue to oversee the realization of justice and accountability, including Israel's accountability for its violations of international law.

"As well as appropriate reparations and international support to help Palestine recover and rebuild its infrastructure," said Retno.

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