PeKANBARU - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Riau Province appealed to the district/city BPBD which is flowed by the Kampar River to anticipate floods and landslides after the opening of the gate for the Koto Panjang Water Power Plant, Kampar by PLN.

Head of Riau BPBD Edy Afrizal in Pekanbaru, Friday, asked the district/city BPBD to ensure weather prediction information, by ensuring preparedness at the community level is running well and effectively.

Then check evacuation routes and safe refugee camps by considering health protocols, and identify the needs and availability of resources in the regions based on contingency plans that have been prepared.

"Increase coordination and communication with related agencies at the district/city level. Implement socialization and education of disaster early warnings to the community, and carry out mitigation efforts, such as cleaning waterways, naturalizing rivers, plant vegetation with strong roots, building cliff retaining walls and others," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, November 24.

PLTA Koto Panjang opened the delegation door today at 14.00 WIB.

Manager of the Water Power Center Service Unit (ULPLTA) Koto Panjang Cecep Sofhan Munawar issued a notification letter for the opening of the overflow gate on Friday morning.

The letter stated that the high intensity of rain in the reservoir area, so that the flow of water into the reservoir caused the elevation height to increase significantly.

Therefore, the reservoir's spillway gate is opened at 14.00 WIB. Each delegating gate will be opened as high as 40 centimeters (3x40 cm).

In the PLN letter, it is stated that the opening of the delegation gate will raise the surface of the Kampar River. "The estimated rise in river surface is 20 cm to 30 cm.

Based on records at 08.00 WIB, the height of the reservoir elevation has reached 83.22 meters above sea level (Mdpl). Up 17 cm only a few hours from 21.00 WIB on Thursday (23/11).

While the inflow reaches 483.27 cubic meters per second. Meanwhile, the water discharge out through the turbine (turbine outflow) is still smaller, which is 201.32 meters per second. Inflows had a sharp jump on Thursday night, reaching 1,145.86 meters per deti

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