GORONTALO - Gorontalo Police Chief Inspector General Angesta Romano Yoyol promised to uphold the neutrality of the National Police in the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) simultaneously and will take firm action against personnel who violate it.

"In the 2024 Simultaneous Elections, the National Police, especially the Gorontalo Police, will be neutral," said Inspector General Angesta as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, November 24.

The Gorontalo Police Chief emphasized that members of his staff will maintain neutrality when carrying out security duties at the upcoming democratic party.

"If it is known that a member is involved, then immediately report it, and it will be followed up according to applicable regulations," he said.

He said, one of the rules governing the neutrality of Polri personnel is contained in Law Number 2 of 2002 concerning the Police, in Article 28 paragraph (1) which states that the Police are neutral in political life, not involving themselves in practical political activities. Paragraph (2) reads, members of the National Police do not exercise the right to vote and be elected.

"The attitude of the neutrality of the Police in accordance with Law Number 2 of 2002, is also in the regulations of the National Police Chief and telegram directions on neutrality during elections, legislative elections and regional head elections," said the Kapolda.

The Kapolda said the National Police were required to create a safe, comfortable, orderly, controlled atmosphere during the general election period.

"In carrying out the task of maintaining election security, personnel are reminded to carry out their main duties, namely preemptive, preventive, and repressive, in order to prevent all disturbances in public order during the election period," he said.

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