JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate number 2 Prabowo Subianto ensures that he will take the nation's best sons and daughters if he is later elected as the 8th President. Prabowo has no problem if the minister has ordinary intelligence, but must have good morals.

This was conveyed by Prabowo in response to a question from the Chancellor of Muhammadiyah University Surabaya (UM) at the Muhammdiyah Open Dialogue with the Nation Leader which was broadcast live via Youtube Tv-Mu Channel, Friday, November 24.

Initially, UMS Chancellor Prof. Sukadiono asked Prabowo about the background of the minister to be taken to fill his cabinet. Sukadiono then mentioned that the current Minister of Health did not come from the medical faculty.

Sukadiono assessed that the minister, who did not have a doctor's background, would not understand the health aspect. Therefore, he asked whether Prabowo would take the current health minister or return him to a medical background.

"For me, the best sons or daughters of the Indonesian nation must be," Prabowo answered in the Muhhammadiyah Open Dialogue in Surabaya, Friday, November 24.

Prabowo said choosing a minister in the cabinet was like choosing a national football team. Where should the best player be called by the state.

"Facing this situation, this is a crossroads, if we really choose a good team, we choose a football team. We have to choose the best players," he said.

The Minister of Defense is also open to any of the best sons and daughters who want to serve the nation and state. As long as, Prabowo said, he had good morals.

"So choose the best minister. My ministers are open, take the best sons and daughters, please," said Prabowo.

"Don't just brain rot, it's dangerous. It's better if the ordinary brain is good, the smart brain will be smart, the smarter will help," he added.

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