TANGERANG - Muhammadiyah has high hopes for the presidential candidate pair in 2024, Ganjar Pranowo and Mahfud MD. Both are expected to be able to restore democracy according to their foundation and fight the practice of legal politicization in this country. The statement was conveyed by the General Chairperson of PP Muhammadiyah, Haedar Nashir in the Muhammadiyah public dialogue at the University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Thursday 23 November. Ganjar and Mahfud were present in person at the event to convey their ideas and ideas in "We believe that the two figures present (Ganjar-Mahfud) when the people give the mandate and mandate, will certainly stand close to the constitution and not abuse it," said Haedar. In his speech, Haedar touched on legal issues in Indonesia. According to him, many problems occur in this country, one of which is the occurrence of legal politicization that injures democracy. "The practice of this final national life is very disturbing. Where the law undergoes a political process "Even in the context of democracy, people do not dare to say and do different things because there is legal politicization," he said. Law and democracy Haedar continued, must apply fundamentally in the life of the nation. Indonesia has struggled with blood to become an independent country and realize the ideals of common welfare. "So we need to reconstruct it. We want the leaders of the nation to bring back our laws and democracy according to their foundation," he said. Haedar explained, There are many laws or other legal products in Indonesia that are tug-of-war. A number of legal products produced are the result of the oligarchic coalition. "We hope that in the future, no more laws will be decided in the shortest possible time. The Arabic language is min Haisu la Yahtasib (the emergence of the unexpected)," said Haedar in front of Ganjar Mahfud. For Muhammadiyah, continued Haedar, Ganjar and Mahfud are not new people. Both are the most frequent figures. interacting with Muhammadiyah. "For us Muhammadiyah, Pak Ganjar is not new. We are very close because we have been in touch and interacting with him for a long time. Pak Ganjar has always been with us for the success of Muhammadiyah. Pak Mahfud is also the same, we have always interacted since the time in Jogja, even now he is a minister," concluded Haedar. Ganjar and Mahfud agreed with Haedar Nashir's statement. Law and democracy are the ideals of the nation that have been fought for since long time. Ganjar invites all elements of society to fight to secure laws and democracy so that it runs according to the constitution. "So we all have to be agents. Come on, all groups speak up, dare to speak up. And Muhammadiyah must take that role, because whether out of Muhammadiyah is definitely feasible and must be heard," he said.

The quality of democracy in Indonesia, Ganjar continued, is being tested. For this reason, he invites all people to dare to provide input for the future of this country. "If it is not appropriate, then the people as owners of the republic must speak. If there are many critical groups talking about it (democracy and inappropriate law), then the state is already in alert status. It takes the involvement of all parties to resolve it," he concluded.

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