The Bangka Belitung Islands Province Bawaslu (Babel) followed up on the case of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) of the Bangka Regency Government (Pemkab) who was involved in the activities of one of the political parties (political parties).
"We have coordinated with the Civil Service Guidance Officer (PPK) of the Babel Islands Province to follow up on reports of ASN allegedly gathering masses in political parties activities in Bangka," said Head of the Babel Islands Province Bawaslu, Em Osykar, in Pangkalpinang, Thursday, November 23, confiscated by Antara.
He said the follow-up results of the alleged non-neutral involvement of ASN would be reported to the Personnel Guidance Officer of the Babel Islands Provincial Government and the Bangka Regency Government; to be followed up and subject to sanctions in accordance with applicable regulations.
"Alhamdulillah, the acting personnel supervisor in provinces and regencies welcomes it so that it makes it easier for Bawaslu to carry out an ASN investigation which is suspected to be non-neutral," he said.
He stated that there were not many ASN involved in mass gathering at political parties, but if they were not neutral, it could cause considerable damage to the implementation of the 2024 General Election.
"Although the number of ASN involved is small, it can interfere with election conduciveness because they have policies to gather masses and others," he said.
He emphasized that ASN must be neutral and this has been regulated in the law and a joint agreement with four ministers so that ASN is neutral during the stages, campaign period, and the implementation of this democratic party.
"Never mind being active in active politics, ASN on social media is also prohibited from commenting, likes, sharing posts and others supporting one of the political parties or candidates for election participants," he said.
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