The West Java Regional Police are investigating the activities of a number of police officers with the rank of officers and non-commissioned officers who at that time entered the crime scene (TKP) for the murder of a mother and child in Subang, West Java.

"They entered the scene at that time. We will dig up from them what they did at the crime scene," said the Director of General Crimes at the West Java Police, Kombes Pol. Surawan, Wednesday, November 22.

This was done, said Surawan, because the events that had been going on for a long time made investigators relatively difficult.

Surawan said that there were four police officers and non-commissioned officers who entered the crime scene and served at the Subang Police Station and the local police station.

Surawan said, if in the deepening it was found that they damaged the crime scene, it could be categorized as a violation and an unlawful act.

"The difficulty now is because the murder took place a long time ago. Investigators compare old crime scene processing photos with new ones," he said.

In the reconstruction process scheduled to take place on Wednesday (22/11), he said the police would not be presented, as the reconstruction would further reveal the scene of the murder case.

"(But) We'll see if the violation is a criminal act or an ordinary violation," he said.

After the reconstruction, he said, he would complete the case files to be transferred to the prosecutor's office. In addition, investigators continue to explore a series of other events.

Previously, the bodies of the mother and child were found in the trunk of an Alphard car in Ciseuti Hamlet, Jalan Cagak Village, Jalan Cagak District, Subang Regency, on Wednesday, August 18, 2021. The identities of the two are known as Tuti (55) and her son Amelia Mustika Ratu (23).

After two years, the police finally named five people as suspects in the murder of the mother and child, namely M. Ramdani (Tuti's nephew), Yosep Hidayah (Tuti's husband), Mimin (Yosep's second wife), Arighi Reksa Pratama (Mimin's son), and Abi (son of Mimin).

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