Makassar City Government, South Sulawesi plans to increase incentives from RT/RW officials to Rp200 thousand in 2024, bringing the total to Rp1.2 million.

Makassar Mayor Moh Ramdhan Pomanto said the plan to increase incentives for the heads of the neighborhood unit (RT/RW) after local local local revenue (PAD) reached Rp2 trillion.

"There is a plan to increase RT/RW incentives. Anyway, it's increased, for a long time I've always said that PAD has reached IDR 2 trillion, definitely incentives have also increased," said the man who is familiarly called Danny Pomanto, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, November 23.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Makassar Planning and Development Agency (Bappeda) Helmy Budiman said the increase of IDR 200 thousand would only be carried out in 2024.

"Incentives will be given based on performance indicators from the Acting RT/RW. So, they are expected to improve their performance," he said.

Helmy stated that the amount of incentive received by the current RT/RW heads is Rp. 1 million with the condition that they meet all the specified indicators.

The additional incentive will be budgeted for in the 2024 APBD amounting to IDR 1.4 billion.

The addition of the budget was included in the discussion of the General Budget Policy/Priority of the Temporary Budget Ceiling (KUA/PPAS) of the 2024 Main APBD between the Regional Government Budget Team (TAPD) and the Makassar DPRD Budget Agency (Banggar).

Helmy explained that the increase in the Makassar APBD for 2024 is predicted to reach IDR 5.6 trillion, so the budget for additional incentives is quite adequate.

"The projection is still not in the final stage. Where, it is still in the discussion stage, so the final result may be different," he said.

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