JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission II of the DPR Ahmad Doli Kurnia regretted the case of a member of the Medan Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) who was arrested by the police on suspicion of extortion of potential members of the DPRD legislature in Medan, North Sumatra. According to him, the transactions carried out by members of the Medan Bawaslu are very embarrassing.
"Try to imagine, there are election organizers who we hope will concentrate on holding this election, there are still opportunities to play transactionally like that. This is embarrassing in my opinion," said Ahmad Doli, Monday, November 20.
Doli suspects that there was involvement of KPU members in the extortion case. Because there were five commissioners who were summoned by the police. The North Sumatra electoral district Golkar legislator also asked the chairman of Bawaslu and the chairman of the North Sumatra KPU to take firm action against the members who played.
"And last night I communicated with the chairman of the North Sumatra Bawaslu and the chairman of the North Sumatra KPU to take action quickly. Don't wait for the process in the police," said Doli.
"Those people must all be dismissed because it can disrupt the level of public trust in election organizers if allowed, even if people are later banned from the election," said Doli.
For information, the North Sumatra Police arrested Azlansyah who served as the Coordinator of the Prevention Division, Community Participation and Public Relations of the Medan City Bawaslu at a Medan City hotel.
Azlansyah was arrested along with two civilians. They were arrested on suspicion of extortion against a candidate for legislative member of the Medan City DPRD.
In his report, the victim found it difficult by Azlansyah in managing administrative completeness in the nomination requirements as a DPRD candidate.
Currently, Azlansyah has been named a suspect and detained. He was charged with Article 12 Letter e or Article 11 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1e Criminal Code.
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