TANGERANG Candidate for president in 2024, Ganjar Pranowo, performed in front of hundreds of workers throughout Tangerang Regency on November 17. With enthusiasm, he is committed to sitting with them in reviewing the rules for the welfare of workers in the future.

Ganjar's meeting with the workers took place on the terrace of the house on Jalan Mustika, Pasir Nangka, Tigaraksa District, Tangerang Regency. The atmosphere was filled with red and white flags with a picture of Ganjar flying, welcoming him with enthusiasm.

Not only workers, local residents also took part in welcoming Ganjar's arrival all the way to the location. The spirit of "Ganjar Presiden" was heard, while fighting for peace and taking selfies.

The presidential candidate number 3 then gave hearing to the outpouring of the hearts of the representatives of the workers. Various issues were raised, including the proposed revision of the Omnibus Law, labor welfare, protection during termination of employment (PHK), to the provisions after retirement.

More than an hour of discussion took place. After that, the presidential candidate who was paired with Mahfud MD orated in front of hundreds of workers.

"Thank you, earlier I discussed with fellow workers, they conveyed and demonstrated what were the thoughts and feelings, they were clearly conveyed," said Ganjar Pranowo.

Ganjar highlighted that there are regulations that require revisions, and emphasized the need for intense dialogue and communication between the government and workers.

"So, it's the government's job, one to facilitate the meeting. So that all ideas can be formulated that both benefit everyone," he explained.

Some regulations that need to be corrected include the certainty of workers' work and comfort, as well as clear rules regarding layoffs (PHK) along with steps that the government will take in the case.

"This is the government's initiative that must be taken. Earlier I received a lot of input, so I entrust it, now there is an opportunity to formulate the rules, the desired concepts, and we must communicate so that later it can become a regulation that we can formulate everything and meet us in an agreement," said Ganjar.

A worker named Warkani stated that Ganjar's arrival was an important moment to discuss and convey the aspirations of the workers. He believes that the white-haired politician can bring aspirations and improve the fate of the workers.

"It's nice to meet Pak Ganjar Pranowo and hopefully the fate of workers in the future can be more advanced. Sure, Pak Ganjar can make the fate of workers better," he said.

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