Palembang Police investigated a fuso car accident that hit a tank car on Jalan Simpang Force 66 to Simpang Patal, Palembang City, Friday, November 17, at around 05.00 WIB.
"At five this morning, an uncharged fuso car came from the Simpang Force 66 to Simpang Patal," said Head of Law Enforcement Unit (Gakkum) of the Palembang Polrestabes Iptu Arham Sikum in Palembang, South Sumatra (Sumsel), Friday, November 17, confiscated by Antara.
He added that the fuso truck driver was safe but suffered injuries to his hands, lips, and legs. Meanwhile, the tank car driver is also safe.
He added that currently the fuso truck was brought by members of the Palembang Polrestabes Satlantas to the Musi II laka Post to conduct an investigation related to the traffic accident.
While monitoring at the location, the orange fuso car was crushed on the front. This caused the windshield of the car to burst and scatter.
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