JAKARTA - Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan RB) Abdullah Azwar Anas ensured that all stages of the selection test for State Civil Apparatus Candidates (CASN) were transparent and accountable.

"The online (online) test, Computer Assisted Test (CAT), the value goes straight out, live score, without pause so that no one can intervene, even it is shown live on YouTube. We also add the process to face recognition, so there is no more jockey tests," said Anas in his statement, November 17.

This was conveyed when he checked the implementation of the basic competency selection (SKD) for the formation of the Attorney General's environment at the Bali Regional Office of State Personnel Agency (BKN), in Denpasar, Bali, accompanied by Plt. Head of BKN Haryomo Dwi Putranto, and Head of the Bali High Prosecutor's Office R. Narendra Jatna.

For this reason, he appealed to the public not to believe if there were people or institutions who claimed to be able to help pass the CASN selection.

Anas explained that the government opened a very large formation within the Prosecutor's Office in 2023, reaching 7,846 people.

Where, the government itself has determined as many as 572,496 ASN formations in 2023, with details in 72 central government agencies as many as 78,862 ASN, and formations in local governments as many as 493,634 ASN.

"Formations at the Prosecutor's Office are around 7,800, while the number of applicants reaches more than 173,000. This means that this is very competitive. Hopefully everything will run smoothly and will produce superior talents to support the work of the Prosecutor's Office," he said.

Plt. Head of BKN Haryomo Dwi Putranto added that the location for the CASN 2023 selection has now reached 365 locations, an increase of hundreds of percent compared to last year's around 105 locations. Among them, at the BKN Office, health polytechnics in a number of cities, independent locations of agencies, and abroad.

"The addition of location points is expected to make participants not too far away in accessing test sites," said Haryomo.

He said a number of things that BKN had done to improve the security of the CASN selection system, including collaborating with the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN).

"To provide data communication networks, BKN cooperates with the Ministry of Communication and Information to add bandwidth and add backup links for the smooth implementation of the CAT test," he said.

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