YOGYAKARTA Near the end of 2023, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) reported a list of provinces with the highest unemployment rates. The list is explained in the report on Indonesia's unemployment rate and open unemployment rate (TPT).

Perlu diketahui, TPT adalah indikator yang dipakai untuk menghitung persentase jumlah total pengangguran terhadap jumlah angkatan https://voi.id/tag/2066/tenaga-kerja. Definisi pengangguran yang dipakai adalah penduduk usia kerja dengan usia 15 tahun atau lebih yang tak punya pekerjaan. Pensiunan, pelajar, dan disabilitas tidak dikategorikan sebagai pengangguran.

Based on data, TPT Indonesia fell in August 2023 compared to the same period the previous year (year on year/YoY). The data shows that the national TPT in August 2023 was 5.32 percent, while in the same period it was 5.86 percent.

The same thing was followed by TPT shrinkage in various provinces in the country. However, there are still provinces that have a TPT level that is even higher than the national TPT level, namely Banten Province. The province has even become the province with the highest TPT in the country with a figure of 7.52 percent.

Although the Banten Province TPT is higher than the national one, when compared to the same period the TPT in Banten has decreased by 0.57 percentage points. The following is a list of provinces that have a high unemployment rate.

BPS also noted that the unemployment rate has decreased in urban areas, but has increased in rural areas. In August 2023, the unemployment rate in urban areas was 6.4 percent, while in the same period last year it was 7.74 percent.

The unemployment rate in rural areas has increased. In August 2023 the figure reached 3.88 percent, while in the same month last year it was at 3.42 percent.

Judging from gender, the unemployment rate for men and women has also decreased. However, male unemployment is actually higher at 5.42 percent, while the female unemployment rate is 5.15 percent in August 2023.

That's information related to provinces with the highest unemployment rate. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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