Jakarta - Indonesian presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo revealed Indonesia's five future policies and political strategies. According to Ganjar, the products that must be done are Indonesia as a world food barn, energy independence, maritime sovereignty,'save haven' industrialization and protection of Indonesian citizens (WNI). "I will take only a few very important points, how to interpret our active foreign politics through five main related issues of course for our national interests," said Ganjar when he was a resource person at the CSIS forum, Tuesday. First, regarding the world's food barn, Ganjar is optimistic in expressing his confidence that Indonesia has great potential to become a world food barn. Ganjar explained Indonesia's potential as a world food barn by referring to the countries around it, such as Vietnam, Thailand, India, and China. Ganjar emphasized the importance of ensuring a sustainable food supply, especially in conflict or war situations, as one of the main aspects of the world's food barn concept. "Indonesia has the potential to become a world food barn. In ASEAN, I think Vietnam, there is Thailand, India around us. China has the ability to produce it and I think it includes Inodnesia. If we talk about world food barns, we try to ensure sustainable food supply in conflict or war situations," said the former governor of Central Java for two terms. Second, related to energy independence in the context of international relations, Ganjar invites friendly countries to be involved in efforts to resolve this energy problem. He noted that international collaboration is very important. Ganjar emphasized that downstreaming must cover various aspects, not only limited to commodities such as nickel and palm oil. The high potential for digital economic growth must also be utilized. In addition, Ganjar also noted that Indonesia has an electric surplus, which in the context of ASEAN can be used as an opportunity for export. This is a positive step in supporting the transition to clean energy and supporting regional cooperation in the energy sector. "And then today we have an electric surplus which is in the context of ASEAN, actually we can also encourage electricity so that we can export it," said the former member of the DPR RI. Third, regarding maritime sovereignty, Ganjar emphasized his commitment to Indonesia's maritime sovereignty with plans to give Indonesia's name to the outer islands. This is one of the events to protect the island of Indonesia so that it is not recognized by other countries. "Regarding maritime sovereignty, there are several important notes, in our opinion, are the use of Indonesian for the names of the outer islands," said Ganjar, who has the principle of 'My Lord, the people'. In addition, Ganjar also emphasized the need to increase the defense budget to secure Indonesian territory. This increase in the defense budget also occurs in countries in Asia. According to Ganjar, the importance of international cooperation and agreements to strengthen Indonesia's position in maritime management. "This large country needs great attention, so if we want to secure the condition of our maritime area, that's one of them. Then multiply the budget for sea defense," added Ganjar. Fourth, related to industrialization, Ganjar said that the US and Chinese trade wars had an impact on the supply chain being disrupted, so that some components became expensive and industries in Indonesia were disrupted, entrepreneurs and investors became worried. "Besides that, we hope that Indonesia will become its HUB for alternative manufacturing. If we talk about national interests, we have things that can be our modalities with several countries, especially with countries that have close relations with certain industrial components or certain resources," said Ganjar. Ganjar gave an example that Indonesia has a fairly large quartz sand reserve. Based on ESDM data, there are 330 million tons. Then there are 21 silica sand processing companies that are already operating. "And this can save the import of several components. If we can produce this, then the job creation must also enter," said Ganjar. Fifth related to the protection of Indonesian citizens, Ganjar is committed to strengthening foreign cooperation to protect Indonesian migrant workers (PMI). According to Ganjar, Indonesian citizens who work abroad need access to report the problems they face, so that the government can immediately deal with these problems. Ganjar said that the presence of diplomats and the Indonesian Embassy (Indonesian Embassy) in the country of destination for migrant workers was considered key in responding to problems faced by migrant workers. "Friends of diplomats, our Indonesian Embassy, I think we are given space to respond and provide space to open up, how citizens are there, report and if there is something, handle it quickly," said Ganjar.
Ganjar emphasized that he would carry out foreign politics based on Indonesia's national interests in the values of Pancasila to the 1945 Constitution. "We must participate in implementing world order, which is based on independence, eternal peace and social justice," he concluded.

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