JAKARTA - In the year of the Metal Ox, there are several zodiac signs that are predicted to meet luck in various aspects. The hockey in question is not just a sudden windfall or suddenly wallowing in wealth, but many things in life are running smoothly.

"A good zodiac sign does not mean he is rich in that year, but it means many opportunities in that year," said feng shui expert Yulius Fang as quoted by Antara, Friday, February 12.

If they are good at taking advantage of these opportunities, their careers and finances will undoubtedly be boosted.

What are the hockey zodiac signs this year? The answer is the zodiac rat, chicken, monkey and snake.

The Rat zodiac sign benefits the most in the Metal Ox year. According to Yulius, the Rat zodiac sign can have the opportunity to appear and benefit from various opportunities. Opportunities can also be taken from social media. It could be that the Rat zodiac owner gets lots of likes and followers, or the upload goes viral.

"Take advantage of this moment to be able to hangout, hang out with many people who can increase his fortune, career and finances in the future."

What about the Monkey zodiac? Feng shui expert Yohan Suyangga said that the owner of the zodiac monkey will be awarded an upward career this year and there will be many exciting opportunities this year.

Chinese zodiac rooster is also lucky this year, there will be many opportunities and support in life and be rewarded with good finances. Yohan advised snake zodiac owners to cooperate with chicken zodiac owners who are said to increase success.

However, be careful as there will be enemies in the blanket which can be difficult. He also said that the snake zodiac owner would be more successful when working in the field rather than behind a table.

It is worth remembering that predicting the lucky ones in the Metal Buffalo year will not automatically become immune to the corona virus. Yulius reminded that people who have the lucky zodiac this year must still practice health protocols.

What about the Chinese zodiac? Yulius explained, the owner of the Chinese zodiac will experience instability in various aspects of life, but that does not mean that they will definitely fall unlucky. If the challenges of instability can be overcome with effort, it is possible that these changes will have a positive impact.

Yulius gave an example, the changes faced are similar to those of students who take an exam. He has the potential to move up a grade after studying hard and trying to graduate. But those who are lazy can stay class.

Who can experience instability? The heaviest impact is predicted to befall the owner of the zodiac goat, then zodiac horse and dragon zodiac. Changes that occur can include changing professions, moving houses or appearing ripples in relationships with people around them. The challenge is lighter on the dog and buffalo zodiac sign.

"Five of the 12 zodiac signs are experiencing disharmony, meaning that everything is being challenged," Yulius explained.

According to Yohan, this year could bring conflict in making friends for horse zodiac owners. He also reminded us to be careful in transactions, for example when signing contracts. The Metal Ox Year is the year that Horse zodiac owners should work hard.

If you really want life to change for the better, then you must be ready to accept the challenges and we must be prepared for the risks and prepare ourselves for these changes.

If you have worked for a long time in the office but your salary has not increased, then you get a job offer in another place, consider carefully the risks and opportunities. If you think the opportunity is good and you really have the ability in that field, don't hesitate to try it.

However, you don't want to leave your job, or change to another business, simply because you are bored without making sure there are positive things from the change, for example a more secure welfare.

"That's why we have to have a back up plan or escape plan, preparations."

If you feel your career is under threat in the midst of a pandemic, immediately take advantage of the time to increase the skills that can be learned through cyberspace. That way, you are prepared for anything you want to happen this year.

"Don't be afraid of the challenges because sometimes those cions change us. So, the point is not to be feared but to be anticipated and to learn from it so that we can live life well and we can embrace these changes with good results."

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