DIY - The Department of Manpower and Transmigration (Disnakertrans) of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) stated that the determination of the 2024 DIY Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP) is still waiting for the latest regulations from the central government.
"We are still waiting for the regulations," said Head of the DIY Manpower and Transmigration Office Aria Nugrahadi at the Kepatihan Complex, Yogyakarta, Wednesday, November 1, confiscated by Antara.
Calculations related to wages in DIY, he continued, cannot be done considering that there is no formula or formulation for determining the amount of UMP from the center as a reference.
He said the formula for determining the UMP from the central government had the same chance as last year, but did not rule out a different possibility.
"It may not be the same, but we are still waiting, we don't know yet," he said.
Government Regulation (PP) Number 36 of 2021 concerning Wages states that the UMP is set and announced no later than November 21.
Therefore, Aria believes that the regulations related to wages will soon be issued. "Maybe next week," he said.
Previously, the Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker) ensured that regulations for determining the minimum wage would be completed before November 21.
The Ministry of Manpower guarantees that the increase in the UMP will be determined by considering various proposals submitted by relevant stakeholders.
"The basis is that we will use PP 36 changes, which are in the process. Absorb aspirations have been carried out. It's almost finished. Finally, we will absorb aspirations on October 30. After the aspirations are complete, we will issue them in the form of a replacement Government Regulation or changes from PP 36," said Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah when met in Jakarta, Friday, October 27.
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