JAKARTA - To be a presidential candidate (candidate) in 2024, Ganjar Pranowo was invited to discuss issues that have always been a problem for the nation: intolerance and freedom of religion. In the event held at the Borobudur Hotel, Ganjar seemed to be taking the exam session.

In the event initiated by the Christian group who are members of the Prosperous Peace Volunteers, Ganjar received critical questions asked by the head of the event, namely Pastor Gilbert Lumoindong.

To Ganjar, the founder of the GBI Glow Fellowship Center asked what the minority in Indonesia had been worried about. Where there are many cases, it is difficult for minorities to worship or establish places of worship.

"There are many problems about religious tolerance and freedom of worship in Indonesia. How do you allow us Christians to worship in peace and comfort. We also want to be made easier in licensing to build places of worship," asked Pastor Gilbert.

Ganjar calmly and clearly answered the question and anxiety. Not a political promise, but he answered that question with the experience he had been serving as Governor of Central Java for 10 years.

"One time I was visited by people who said why our church could not be completed even though it had been taken care of for 22 years. Then I went down directly, I did the lobby and I involved FKUB. Finally I was able to find the problem, rammed and finished. Now they can worship in peace," he said.

Or when there are Buddhists who complain because they are asked for a ticket when they want to worship at Borobudur Temple. Ganjar then invited all parties to sit down together and finally agreed to make a special place for them to worship.

Also the same case when Hindus have difficulty worshiping in Prambanan Temple. Ganjar also went down directly and finished it. Create a special place for Hindus to worship in peace without interruption.

"I have done all of that, not just promises," he said.

Ganjar said he understood very well the problems faced by the group because he had studied at the Bopkri Jogja High School. He was also taught by the party how to have diversity, what is the value of Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution and diversity.

"When it comes to freedom of worship, it's not the story of the SKB (Joint Decree, ed), that's the highest constitutional story in the republic," he said.

Ganjar's answer made Pastor Gilbert and hundreds of other Christians in that place applaud. They are very satisfied and confident that Ganjar is able to realize the tolerance and freedom of religion regulated by law.

"And we are happy to meet Pak Ganjar today who is not only talking about rhetoric or political promises, but giving answers according to the experience that has been done. This is what we need, people who have not only promised but who have done it. Pak Ganjar is the leader this nation hopes for," said Pastor Gilbert.

Ganjar continued Pastor Gilbert has started and struggled to realize what the Indonesian people expect. Ganjar's commitment to tolerance and religious freedom is undeniable.

"And Mr. Ganjar has never dealt with identity politics. This is one of the things that makes minority groups believe. We see Mr. Ganjar has never dealt with it. And this is not because he defended the minority, but for the sake of Indonesian unity because our country has finally accepted Pancasila," he concluded.

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