Chairman of the PDIP DPP Puan Maharani responded to the statement of former PDI politician Effendi Simbolon who assessed that Megawati Soekarnoputri had to resign from her position due to Hasto Kristiyanto as a KPK suspect.

Puan emphasized that the PDIP Congress will still take place in April.

Therefore, Puan emphasized that there is no need to make assumptions regarding the chair of chairman.

"Yes, we should not assume. We respect and respect each other's internal processes in a party. We follow the existing process in the PDI-P Party," said Puan at the Party School, Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta, Friday, January 10.

"The process is for internal existence in Congress. So, later we will follow what the Congress will be like and what Congress will continue in April," he continued.

Puan again reminded all parties not to draw conclusions and speculate regarding the change of chairman and secretary general, even though the issue is currently heating up.

He said that the change of ketum was a decision as a result of the congress.

"Congress, every congress process in every political party is normal if there is a change in the structures in the party. So, we will see later in April, God willing, the PDI-P will carry out the Congress," he concluded.

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