JAKARTA - Indonesia urges the formation of an independent commission of inquiry regarding the attacks carried out by Israel in the Gaza Strip, Palestine, said Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi while attending an emergency meeting of the UN General Assembly (SMU) discussing Israel's illegal actions, held in New York, United States, Thursday local time.

Israel carried out massive bombardment and a total blockade of food, water, fuel and medical supplies on the Gaza Strip, after the Hamas militant group attacked the southern region of the country on October 7 and is said to have killed more than 1,400 people.

In a meeting at the UN, Foreign Minister Retno asked that violence in Gaza be stopped immediately, civilians could be protected, and humanitarian aid could be provided immediately. He also asked UN member states to use their hearts to defend justice and humanity.

Furthermore, he asked the UN SMU to be able to carry out the role that the UN Security Council failed to carry out. According to him, the PBB SMU must prove that the PBB population upholds human dignity and life.

“My presence here is to defend humanity. Indonesia strongly condemns the violence committed by Israel against Palestine, including attacks on hospitals and places of worship in Gaza. "Indiscriminate killings, kidnappings and collective punishment of civilians must be condemned because they are inhumane and violate international law," stressed Foreign Minister Retno in a statement from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Friday 27 October.

Regarding this, Foreign Minister Retno said there were three plus one concrete steps that were urgently taken.

First, stop aggression to prevent continued civilian casualties. The UN SMU must urgently urge a long-lasting ceasefire to be implemented and adhered to. Apart from that, it is important to be able to prevent similar incidents from happening again in the future.

"For this reason, the UN SMU must hold Israel accountable, including by forming an independent commission of inquiry to investigate Israeli attacks on hospitals and places of worship and the mass expulsion of civilians in Gaza," said Foreign Minister Retno.

Foreign Minister Retno while attending the UN SMU emergency meeting regarding the Gaza crisis. (Source: Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Second, ensuring access to humanitarian aid and protection of civilians. She said, Indonesia urges the UN SMU and relevant UN agencies to increase efforts to provide humanitarian assistance to Gaza residents.

Humanitarian aid efforts undertaken by the UN Secretary General and key countries should also be supported. Considering the magnitude of the damage caused, the current assistance is still far from sufficient.

"Therefore, the UN SMU must urge the immediate delivery of smooth and sustainable humanitarian assistance. Indonesia will triple its voluntary contribution through UNWRA and calls on the international community to support UNWRA. Indonesia is also committed to sending humanitarian assistance," said the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Third, reject the forced displacement of civilians in Gaza. The Minister of Foreign Affairs assessed that Israel's call to leave northern Gaza worsened the conditions of those whose homes had been destroyed, while access to electricity, gas, fuel and water was restricted.

“This is a crime against humanity. The UN SMU must urge an end to the evacuation order by Israel. "Civilians, especially children, must be protected and given safe space to move," stressed Foreign Minister Retno.

Meanwhile, the only plus, continued Foreign Minister Retno, is addressing the root of the problem of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He underlined that peace will not be created before the roots of conflict


For this reason, according to her, the peace process to realize a two-state solution must be restarted. Israel's systematic efforts to make negotiations irrelevant must stop.

"Don't let the Palestinian people no longer have a choice but to accept injustice for the rest of their lives. It is our duty to stop this injustice. Indonesia is ready and will carry out its role. Indonesia will continue to be with the Palestinian people," she stressed, while inviting UN General Assembly participants to adopt draft UN SMU resolution regarding Palestine

(General Assembly Draft Resolution, 10th Emergency Special Session).

As of Thursday, the Palestinian Ministry of Health confirmed that the number of Palestinian deaths due to Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip reached 7,028, citing Daily Sabah.

Ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qedra outlined the death toll, including around 2,913 children, 1,709 women and 397 elderly people. Meanwhile, the number of injured victims reached 18,484 people.

It is known that the death toll this time was recorded as the highest in Gaza, since Israel withdrew from the area in 2005.

"The Israeli occupation deliberately carried out 731 massacres of families. We received 1,650 reports of missing people, including 940 children who were still buried in the rubble," said al-Qedra.

He added that Israeli forces deliberately targeted 57 healthcare facilities, causing 12 hospitals and 32 primary care centers to malfunction, and 101 medical workers were killed in the attacks.

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